Desk Reference/Floodplain Management Resources
NE Model Floodplain Development Permit Application
"No-Rise" Certificate Procedures and Sample Certification
Elevation Certificate - 2023 Edition (Fillable PDF)
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Elevation Certificate - 2023 Edition (Non-fillable PDF)
Elevation Certificate - 2023 Edition (Instructions)
FEMA Elevation Certificate and Floodproofing Certificate Bulletin - 8/9/2023
Elevation Certificate Correction Form
CRS Elevation Certificate Checklist - 2022 Edition
Dry Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Structures
Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form
Community Acknowledgement of Requests Involving Fill
Crawlspace Construction in SFHAs
Residential Basement Floodproofing Certificate (5/31/2020)
Residential Basement Floodproofing Information
Lincoln Building Restriction Agreement for LOMR-F Acknowledgement
FEMA 480 Manual, Unit 7: FEMA Ordinance Administration
ASFPM No Adverse Impact: How-to-Guides
ASFPM No Adverse Impact: Elected officials guide to understanding and managing flood risk
NeDNR Floodplain Management Today:
- "Ugly is Not a Floodplain Violation"
- "Violations and Enforcement Part II: Reaching for the Big Stick"
- "Violations and Enforcement Part III - Big Stick Tools"
NFIP 1316 Declaration or Rescission Review Checklist
Liability For Water Control Structure Failure Due to Flooding
Legal Questions: Government Liability And No Adverse Impact Floodplain Management
Professional Liability for Construction in Flood Hazard Areas
Public Liability for Flood Hazard Mitigation
Case: Mansoldo vs NJ Brief Amicus Curiae 2006
Case: Mansoldo vs NJ - Syllabus 2006
Case: What the Rapanos - Carabell Wetlands Decisions Mean to Floodplain and Stormwater Managers
Case Study: Courts Issue Good News for Floodplain Management
Common Legal Questions About Floodplain Regulations in the Courts
Mitigating Misery: Land Use and Protection of Property Rights Before the Next Big Flood
NAI Flyer: Legal Issues for Community Officials
NAI: Floodplain Management and the Courts 2005
NAI and the Courts: Protecting The Property Rights of All: No Adverse Impact Floodplain and Stormwater Management
Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures
Agricultural and Accessory Structure Policy (2021)
Determination of the Cost of Repair or Reconstruction to Damaged Buildings
Questions and Answers about Substantial Damage
Determining the Lowest Floor
General Principles for Variances
Manufactured Homes in SFHAs
Requirement for "Reasonably Safe from Flooding" for LOMR-F
The 50% Rule for Substantial Damage or Improvement
Placement of Temporary Structures in the Floodway
Guidance for Unnumbered A Zones
Technical Bulletin 0 - User's Guide to Technical Bulletins (2021)
Technical Bulletin 1 - Openings in Foundation Walls (2020)
Technical Bulletin 2 - Flood-Damage Resistant Materials Requirements
Technical Bulletin 3 - Non-Residential Floodproofing (2021)
Technical Bulletin 4 - Elevator Installation (2019)
Technical Bulletin 5 - Free-of-Obstruction Requirements (2020)
Technical Bulletin 6 - Below-Grade Parking Requirements (2021)
Technical Bulletin 7 - Wet Floodproofing Requirements (2022)
Technical Bulletin 8 - Corrosion Protection for Metal Connectors (2019)
Technical Bulletin 9 - Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls (2021)
Technical Bulletin 10 - Reasonably Safe From Flooding
Technical Bulletin 11 - Crawlspace Construction
General NFIP Resources
NFIP Flood Insurance Manual - 2021
NFIP Insurance Claims Handbook
Standard Flood Insurance Coverage Summary
Commercial Flood Insurance Coverage Summary
FEMA Publications Catalog Order Form (2020)
Floodway: Guide for Community Permit Officials (FEMA 4)
Design Guidelines for Flood Damage Reduction (FEMA 15)
Answers to Questions about the NFIP (FEMA 84) (2020)
Guidance for Manufactured Homes in SFHAs (FEMA P-85)
Floodproofing Non-Residential Structures, 1986 (FEMA 102)
Answers to Questions about Substantially Improved/Substantially Damaged Buildings (FEMA 213) (2018)
Retrofitting Flood-prone Residential Structures (FEMA P-259)
Managing Floodplain Development in Approximate A Zones (FEMA 265)
Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage (FEMA 301)
Addressing Your Community's Flood Problems (FEMA 309)
Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting (FEMA P-312)
Taking Shelter from the Storm (FEMA 320)
Taking Shelter from the Storm: Safe Room Construction Plans (FEMA 320)
Elevating Your Floodprone Home (FEMA 347)
Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage (P-348)
Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes (FEMA 361)
Floodplain Management Bulletin - Historic Structures (FEMA P-467-2)
Adoption of FIRMs by Participating Communities (FEMA 495)
Joining the National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA 496)
Federal Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (FEMA 524)
Selecting Appropriate Mitigation Measures for Floodprone Structures (FEMA 551)
Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage Desk Reference (FEMA P-758)
Natural Hazards and Sustainability for Residential Buildings (P-798)
Floodproofing Non-Residential Structures, 2013 (FEMA P-936)
Variances and the NFIP (FEMA P-993)
Flood Mitigation Measures for Multi-Family Buildings (FEMA P-2037)
Post-Disaster Information
Checklist 1 - Pre/Post Disaster Planning
Checklist 2 - Field Preparations
SDA Notice to Post on Structures
NFIP and SD/SI Informational Handout
Included and Excluded Costs for Damage Repair Estimates
Right of Entry Certification and Release
Percent Damage Estimation Tables
SDA Damage Inspection Worksheet - Residential
SDA Damage Inspection Worksheet - Non Residential
SDA and Permit Requirement Decision Tree
SD Determination Letter - Flood-Related Damage
SD Determination Letter - Not Flood-Related
Floodplain Damages/Improvements Cost Form
NE Model Floodplain Development Permit Application
Building Compliance Requirements in Flood Zone A
Other Resources
The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary program that communities can join to get credit for floodplain management activities above the minimum standards. Communities receive points for those activities and based upon the number of points, flood insurance premiums are reduced for policyholders in the community. CRS is a "win-win" for because it reduces a community's vulnerability to floods and also reduces the cost of flood insurance premiums.
Communities can get points in four different categories:
- Public Information Activities
- Mapping and Regulations
- Flood Damage Reduction Activities
- Warning and Response
The activities within each category are based on the best practices in floodplain management. For example, the more open space a community has in its special flood hazard area, the more resilient from flood damage the community is. Communities are also rewarded for buying out properties in the floodplain to reduce the number of structures at risk to flooding. CRS rewards communities for proactive outreach to residents and businesses as well as for keeping as much data as possible about flood risks.
Each activity in CRS has a set amount of points that a community could obtain. For every 500 points that a community achieves, its policyholders receive an additional 5% discount. Each 500 points counts as a class improvement, so the lower the class the more discount available. Eight communities in Nebraska currently participate in CRS:
- City of Lincoln - Class 5 (25% reduction)
- City of Papillion - Class 7 (15% reduction)
- City of Omaha - Class 7 (15% reduction)
- City of Fremont - Class 8 (10% reduction)
- City of Scottsbluff - Class 8 (10% reduction)
- City of Valley - Class 9 (5% reduction)
- City of Waverly - Class 9 (5% reduction)
- City of Waterloo - Class 9 (5% reduction)
Every community in Nebraska is automatically eligible for up to 250 points based on minimum standards set by the state floodplain management regulations. Freeboard requirements, or requirements that structures be elevated one foot above base flood elevation, mean communities will receive points. Communities located downstream from a high hazard potential dam will receive points based on the Nebraska Dam Safety section's programs. And if your community has an online assessor's map from the county, 50 more points may be available because of the NeDNR interactive floodplain map.
Communities interested in joining CRS or just learning more about it should contact Elijah Kaufman at NeDNR at or 402-471-0640. He can walk you through the steps of the application and connect you with the appropriate national-level contact.
And for more resources, visit: CRS Resources