Floodplain Management


Model Ordinances

Nebraska Model Ordinances

Every local floodplain management program is supported by a floodplain management ordinance. The ordinance establishes the requirements for development in the identified floodplain. Ordinances must meet the Nebraska Minimum Standards for Floodplain Management Programs as well as the requirements in 44 CFR Chapter 1, Part 60.3. NeDNR has developed model ordinances that communities can use for a template, provided community staff and boards review it for appropriate inclusion into the broad set of ordinances.

Below are the PDF documents for communities to review. When you look to update your ordinance or apply to join the NFIP, please contact Elijah Kaufman at elijah.kaufman@nebraska.gov or (402) 471-0640. All ordinances must be reviewed and approved by NeDNR and FEMA before being adopted.

Model Ordinances

60.3(a) Ordinance: For unmapped communities with no published FIRMs.

60.3(b) Ordinance: for communities with a basic study showing Zone A with no base flood elevations on the FIRM.

60.3(c) Ordinance: for communities with an enhanced study showing Zone AE without floodway.

60.3(d) Ordinance: for communities with an enhanced study showing Zone AE with floodway.

These ordinances are written to be included in a typical zoning ordinance. It sets up an overlay district for each floodplain type within which the regulations apply. The community can adapt the ordinance to fit entirely as a section within a zoning code, into another code, or as a standalone floodplain management ordinance. All pieces must be included if broken up into various other sections of a community’s code, including all the definitions.

These ordinances include higher and optional standards and are identified in highlighted bold text. Communities must evaluate each one and remove any that do not fit the community’s needs. All are optional and do not need to be included to meet the minimum standards.

Higher & Optional Standards

The following resources will help communities evaluate the various higher and optional standards that are included in the model ordinances. For specific questions about implementation, please contact NeDNR.

Higher Regulatory Standards

Optional Standards

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