Floodplain Management


Request a Base Flood Elevation

Request A BFE Determination Page

The ‘Request A BFE Determination’ page allows Floodplain Administrators, and other authorized users, to request BFE Determinations, track the progress of ongoing BFE Determination Requests, and obtain up to date information on completed BFE determinations within their jurisdiction. If you need a BFE Determination, but are not a Floodplain Administrator, you can find the contact information for your Floodplain Administrator here.

Clicking on the ‘Request A BFE Determination’ link will take the user to the BFE Floodplain Request sign in page. Select your name from the User drop-down list, enter your password, and click ‘Login.’ If you have forgotten your password, contact NeDNR at dnr.bfe@nebraska.gov and your password will be reset. After submitting a request, you will receive a confirmation email stating that NeDNR received your request. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact NeDNR at dnr.bfe@nebraska.gov.

Viewing Valid BFE Determinations

The Floodplain Interactive Map is a GIS Application that allows users to view and download Valid BFE Determinations. To view a Valid BFE Determination, zoom to the area of interest and turn on the ‘BFE Determinations’ Layer in the Map Layers tab. Sections that have a Valid BFE Determination will be highlighted in yellow. To download a BFE Determination that is valid, click on the section. An informational box will appear with a ‘View BFE Determination’ link that will direct users to the Valid BFE Determination.

Map Contents

The Layers panel contains all layers of information that are available for the map. Layers may display at different map extents, therefore some layers may not display until zooming to or searching for a particular area of interest.

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