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Current Newsletters - Floodplain Management Today
January 2025: NeDNR Hosts Third Annual Nebraska Floodplain Conference; New Model Ordinance; Class Offer: L0273 "Managing Floodplain Development Through the National Flood Insurance Program"; Floodplain Administrator Spotlight: Leann Sato of Scottsbluff
October 2024: Celebrating New CRS Communities: Waterloo and Waverly; Floodplain Model Roadshow: Scotts Bluff; Meet Your Floodplain Management Team; NeDNR Presents at NeFSMA 2024; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities.
July 2024: Floodplain Changes Threaten Nebraska's State Tree; Fun Had by All at the Nebraska Children's Groundwater Festival; Three Things to Know about New HUD FFRMS Rule; Two Exciting Announcements; New Community Boundaries? Be Sure to Let FEMA Know; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
April 2024: 5 Years Later: A Reflection on the 2019 Flood; You Can Protect Endangered Species with the NFIP; Floodplainers Network in Broken Bow; 2024 CRS Symposium Comes to Omaha; Regulating Your Floodplain Using 2D Data; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
January 2024: Floodplain Administrator Spotlight: Joel Hansen, City of Wayne; Features of the New Elevation Certificate; Flood Insurance Discount Tool; Scholarship Opportunity; Wayne Open House; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
October 2023: Floodplain Storage: Safe or Risky?; There's a New Model in Town; NeRFF is Launched; BRIC and FMA NOFO Released; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
July 2023: View Flooding in Real Time Across Nebraska; Biodiversity Spotlight: Eastern Black Rail; Nebraska's Business Plan; Flood Risks Increase After Fires; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
April 2023: NEMA, USACE, NDEE, and NGPC Come Together for Lexington Event; Permitting Non-Structural Development; Bring Floodplain Education to Your Event or Classroom; Tips for Stronger BRIC Grant Applications; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
January 2023: Your Questions Answered; Administrator Spotlight: Mike Jensen, Cass County; Floodplain Development Permitting; Biodiversity Spotlight: Western Prairie Fringed Orchid; Meet Your Floodplain Management Team; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
October 2022: NeDNR Prepares Real-time Flooding Interactive Map in Response to 2019 Flood Event; Silver Jackets Team Releases Mitigation Project Interactive Map; Appropriate Uses of State Determined BFEs; 2022 State Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan and You; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
July 2022: 2022 NeFSMA Annual Conference is Here; Floodplain Management Section to De-Obligate Work; IMMERSED Comes to NeFSMA!; FEMA Discount Explanation Guide; Flood Risk Mapping Project Priority Areas; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
April 2022: Substantial Damage: The Bane of Our Existence, OR the Key to Our Resilience; Accessory Structure FAQ for FPAs; Biodiversity Spotlight: Piping Plover; Attend an Open House Near You; NeDNR Floodplain Management's Business Plan Update
February 2022: Getting Started in CRS; NeDNR's Updated BFE Request Webpage; Tips for New and Experienced Floodplain Administrators
October 2021: Nebraska Silver Jackets Recognized as Team of the Year; New Interactive Maps for Risk Rating 2.0; NeDNR's Updated Flood Insurance Webpage; CFM Exam Online
July 2021: NeFSMA's Floodplain Management Workshop; Risk Rating 2.0 Is Coming: What We Know So Far; NeDNR Launches Statewide Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
April 2021: Nebraska's Business Plan; Before and After Disaster Strikes: A New Handbook for Floodplain Administrators; Updates to Technical Bulletin 3: Non-Residential Floodproofing - Requirements and Certification; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
January 2021: New Rules for Agricultural and Accessory Structures in Your SFHA; Clerks Institute and Academy Goes Virtual; Meet Your Floodplain Management Team; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
November 2020: Flood Studies Throughout the State; NeFSMA 2020 Annual Membership Meeting; Lessons Learned: Post-2019 Flood Community Assistance Contacts; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
July 2020: Lower Missouri River Flood Risk Management Solutions; Permitting Pipelines in the Floodplain; Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Online Environmental Review Resources; Model Floodplain Development Permit Application; No-Rise Certification Procedures; NeDNR Receives Honorable Mention; Katie Ringland NFIP State Coordinator of the Year; Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
April 2020: The Killers in Our Rivers, Updated FEMA Forms and Documents, Walk-out Basements and the Elevation Certificate, Nebraska's Five-Year Business Plan, Upcoming Events and Educational Opportunities
January 2020: Recording the Flood: 2019 High Water Mark Collection, Why Your Community Should Participate in a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, and Join the National Flood Insurance Program, NeDNR Releases Story Map Covering the March 2019 Flood
October 2019: Lessons Learned in 2019 and Beyond, Silver Jackets Team Initiates New Project, Flood Studies Throughout the Sate, Training Opportunities
August 2019: Garages in the Floodplain, When do you need a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)?, Nebraska's Five-Year Business Plan, Training Opportunities
May 2019: The Importance of Substantial Damage Estimation, The Benefits of a Buyout, Prepare for the Flood Before the Flood, Substantial Damage Estimation Process, Training Opportunities
December 2018: Winter is Here: Beware of Ice Jams, NFIP: The Community Rating System, Discovery in the Panhandle and the Northeast, Training Opportunities
September 2018: Avoiding Flood Loses in the American Heartland, Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant, NFIP Turns 50, Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage, Floodplain Development Permits, Training Opportunities
March 2018: Silver Jackets: Lower Platte River Hydrology Study, What's Up With Drones?, Leveraging Statewide LiDAR, NeFSMA Calls for Abstracts, Training Opportunities
December 2017: Tiny Houses, Nebraska's Five-Year Business Plan, Risk MAP - The Regulatory Process, Training Opportunities
September 2017: Nebraska Model Ordinance Revisions, Executive Order 13690 Being Revoked, Risk MAP Data Development, Flood Studies Throughout the State
July 2017: Violations part III, Risk MAP, FMA grants, forms used in floodplain management
March 2017: 1978 flooding, storage tanks, 50 years of floodplain management
December 2016: Demographic study, "building" definition, requesting LOMA information, and guide to FEMA technical bulletins
September 2016: Louisville 1923 flood, ICC, BFE determinations, NeDNR flood studies
June 2016: Basements, violations part II, Pilger national award
March 2016: Highwater mark campaign, flood insurance, violations, NeDNR staff profiles
December 2015: Resources for new floodplain administrators, elevation certificates, appurtenant structures
September 2015: Cass County Silver Jackets Project, NeDNR flood studies, flood openings in buildings
June 2015: May flooding, Lincoln CRS Class 5, new NeDNR staff, comprehensive plans and flooding
March 2015: Preserving open space, changes in flood insurance and LOMC fees, January ice jam, flood mitigation grants
December 2014: Ice Jam partnership, flood study updates, new interactive map, floodplain permits
September 2014: Bill's retirement, floodplain administrator's role in disasters, CRS activity 350
May 2014: Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, mitigation grants, CRS activity 320, flood openings
February 2014: September 2013 flooding, joining CRS, HMGP funds, new website, interactive map, elevation certificates
September 2013: Mitigation and BW-12, lowest adjacent grade, new people in Nebraska, DeWitt mitigation project, mapping status
February 2013: Biggert-Waters Act, mitigation and CRS, training opportunities
September 2012: Discovery, flood model, mitigation funding, elevation certificates
February 2012: Development costs, mitigation, floodplain mapping, LiDAR, Discovery
2011 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2009 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2008 (November) Floodplain Management Newsletter
2008 (May) Floodplain Management Newsletter
2007 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2006 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2005 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2004 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2003 Floodplain Management Newsletter
2002 Floodplain Management Newsletter