General Publications
Note that the publications in this section are those that address topics of statewide interest. Publications about topics that pertain to a specific river basin or NRD are located on the relevant basin's individual page.
The FAB Report provides information about NeDNR's annual evaluation of the expected long-term availability of hydrologically connected water supplies throughout the state.
Water Matters is the Integrated Water Management Division's occasional newsletter that explains and explores topics related to integrated water management in an approachable way.
The purpose of the Annual Report to the Legislature is to fulfill the Department's obligations under Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 2-1599 and 2-15,106, to highlight progress made and planned future work for a wide range of water planning and management activities.
Water Resources Cash Fund StoryMap
In accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 61-218(6), NeDNR submits annual reports to the Legislature detailing the use of the Water Resources Cash Fund in the previous year.
Guidelines for Submitting District Plans and Rules to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) (March 2020)
Guidelines for Submitting District Plans and Rules to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR)(Large Format 11x17) (March 2020)
Legislation Supporting IWRM in Nebraska (May 2019, posted with permission from AWRA)
Land Use Classification: A Surface Energy Balance and Vegetation Index Application to Map and Monitor Irrigated Lands (December 2017)
Evaluating Hydrologically Connected Surface Water and Groundwater Using a Groundwater Model (June 2016)
Water Management in Nebraska: Managing Water the Nebraska Way (May 2015)
- Nebraska Statewide Test-Hole Electronic Database (Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Note: NeDNR partially funding costs of creating a Database Retrieval System through Task Order #4)
General Presentations
Note that the presentations in this section are those that address topics of statewide interest. Presentations about topics that pertain to a specific river basin or NRD are located on the relevant basin's individual page.
Midwest and Missouri River Basin DEWS Webinar
(September 20, 2023)
- Topic: Innovations in Integrated Water Management: A Nebraska Case Study
- Presenter: Jennifer Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager
2023 Water for Food Global Conference
(May 08 - May 11)
Location: Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center
- Topic: Integrated Water Management in Nebraska: Successes and Challenges
- Presenter: Jennifer Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager
Nebraska Association of Natural Resources Districts (NARD) Water Programs Conference
(March 3, 2020)
Topic: Responsibilities for NRDs and NeDNR Regarding Updates to NRD Plans and Rules
- Presenter: Carol J. Myers Flaute, Integrated Water Management Coordinator
NeDNR and NGPC Water Update Meeting
(January 14, 2020)
- Topic: NeDNR Update: Water Planning
- Presenters:
- Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
- Jennifer J. Schellpeper, Manager, Water Planning Division, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
American Water Resources Association's National Leadership Institute
Extreme Events: States Adapt Water Supply Approaches
(November 6, 2019)
- Topic: Flooding and Water Planning in Nebraska
- Presenter: Carol Myers Flaute, Integrated Water Management Coordinator
Expert Consultation on Consumption Based Water Management, Beijing China
(October 14, 2019)
- Topic: Integrated Water Management: Implementing Nebraska's Water Policies for Integrated Surface Water/Groundwater Management
- Presenter: Jennifer J. Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager
For the United States Forest Service, at Upper Niobrara White NRD
History and Regulation of Groundwater and Surface Water in Nebraska
(July 24, 2019)
- Topics:
- Background of the Department of Natural Resources
- Background of the Natural Resources Districts
- Surface Water Rights and Water Administration
- Groundwater Registrations and Regulations
- Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Management In Nebraska
- Presenters:
- Pat O'Brien, Manager, Upper Niobrara White NRD
- Mike Thompson, Permits and Registrations Division Manager, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
- Jeremy Gehle, Water Administration Division Manager, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
- Jennifer J. Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
American Water Resources Association Conference
Setting Conditions for the Success of Integrated Water Resources Management
(March 23, 2019 - March 27, 2019)
- Topic: Legislation Supporting IWRM in Nebraska: Bringing Together Prior Appropriation and Correlative Water Rights
- Presenter: Jennifer Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager
- Topic: Nebraska's Innovative Approach: Recharging Aquifers through Floodwater Diversions
- Presenters: Jessie Strom, Integrated Water Management Coordinator; & Shuhai Zheng, Engineering Programs and Services Division Head
- Topic: Multi-scaled Data Exchange to Support Integrated Water Resources Management
- Presenters: Carrie Wiese, Integrated Water Management Coordinator; & John Engel, Water Resources Engineer, HDR
- Topic: Key Strategies for the Platte River Decision Support System (DSS) for Excess Flow
- Presenters: Jennifer Schellpeper, Water Planning Division Manager; & Dale Schlautman, PE, EA Engineering Science & Technology, Inc., PBC
- Topic: From Litigation to Cooperation: The Changing World of the Republican River Basin
- Presenters: Carol Myers Flaute, Integrated Water Management Coordinator; & Kari Burgert, Integrated Water Management Analyst; & Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director
- Topic: Public Participation Plan: For development of the Second Increment Upper Platte River Basin-Wide Plan
- Presenters: Melissa Mosier, Integrated Water Management Analyst; & Nancy Shank, Associate Director, University of Nebraska Public Policy Center
- Topic: Collaboration amidst a Decentralized Regulatory System: A Case Study of Integrated Water Quantity and Quality Planning in Nebraska
- Presenters: Amy Zoller, Integrated Water Management Coordinator; & Carla McCullough, 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
NARD Legislative Conference
(January 29-30, 2019)
- Topic: Technical Programs Update
- Presenters: Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director and Carrie Wiese, Integrated Water Management Coordinator
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln Spring 2019 Water Seminar Series
An Overview of Water Management in Nebraska
(January 16, 2019)
- Topic: Integrated Water Management Planning in Nebraska
- Presenters: Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director and Jennifer Schellpeper, Division Head - Water Planning
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National Ground Water Association workshop
Groundwater and Agriculture: Meeting the Demands While Protecting Resources
(October 2, 2018)
- Topic: Conjunctive Water Management in Nebraska
- Presenters: Jessie Strom, Water Planning Division Coordinator
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Natural Resources Districts Annual Conference
(September 24-25, 2018)
- Topic: Update on Statewide Integrated Water Management Activities
- Presenters: Carol Flaute, Jessie Strom, Carrie Wiese, and Amy Zoller - Water Planning Division Coordinators
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NRD Annual Water Programs Conference
(March 6-7, 2018)
- Topic: Nebraska's Decentralized Water Planning Framework
- Presenters: Carol Myers Flaute, Water Planning Division Coordinator
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- Topic: SUSTAIN: NeDNR's New Modeling Application
- Presenters: Jennifer Schellpeper, Division Head and Margeaux Carter, Water Planning Specialist
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NARD Legislative Conference
(January 23-24, 2018)
- Topic: SUSTAIN: NeDNR's New Modeling Application
- Presenters: Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director and Margeaux Carter, Water Planning Specialist
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NARD Annual Conference
(September 25, 2017)
- Topic: Update on NeDNR Modeling and Technical Activities
- Presenters: Jesse Bradley, Assistant Director and Mahesh Pun, Integrated Management Analyst
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NARD Annual Conference
(September 25, 2017)
- Topic: Challenges and Opportunities in Coordinating Joint Water Management Plans
- Presenters: Carla McCullough, NDEQ Planning Unit and Amy Zoller, NeDNR Integrated Water Management Coordinator
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Basin-Specific Publications and Presentations
Plan Reports
A list of Integrated Management Plan (IMP) and Basin-Wide Plan (BWP) reports can be found in the "Planning" section of each basin page relevant to the plan.
Visit the Approved Water Management Plans page for a list of all approved plans.
To view individual IMP and BWP plans, along with their associated documents and reports, select the relevant link from the Approved Plans page.
Other Basin-Specific Publications and Presentations
To access publications or presentations about topics that are relevant to a particular river basin, please click on the basin of interest on the map below.