A dam is defined as any artificial barrier with the ability to impound water or liquid-borne materials. Department approval is required when the dam has a total height of 25 feet or more, or the dam has an impounding capacity at the top of dam of 50 acre-feet or more.
A storage permit is required if the dam has an impounding capacity of more than 15 acre-feet below the lowest open overflow or the water in the reservoir will be pumped or released for a beneficial purpose. See Surface Water for more information.
Before constructing, reconstructing, enlarging, altering, breaching, removing, or abandoning a dam in Nebraska, the Dam Owner must obtain the approval of the Department. Also, every owner of a dam subject to the Safety of Dams and Reservoirs Act and not previously approved by the Department must file an application with the Department for approval of the dam.
To receive Department approval, an application accompanied with engineering plans must be submitted.
Plans submitted to the Department must include an applicant’s and an engineer’s certification.
Upon completion of a project, the owner must file a construction certification form with the Department.
For farm pond dams constructed before September 4, 2005 and not previously approved, this two page form - to be completed by an engineer - may be submitted as plans.
If the reservoir will impound more than 15 acre-feet below the lowest open overflow, a Permit to Impound Water is required. See Surface Water for more information.