Floodplain Management


Flood Mitigation

FY 2024 Swift Current

The purpose of Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current funding is to mitigate NFIP-insured buidlings to reduce risk of future flooding. Swift Current funds can pay for structure elevation, relocation, property acquisition, and structure demolition. The funds may also be used for floodproofing, project scoping, structural retrofitting of existing buildings and mitigation reconstruction

For its flood risk to be mitigated with Swift Current funds, a NFIP-insured building must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a history of repetitive flood losses demonstrated by flood insurance claims, or
  • Have been deemed Substantially Damaged after May 20, 2024 by local officials or FEMA.

The State of Nebraska is the applicant, and NFIP-participating communities are the sub-applicants. For communities to be eligible sub-applicants, they must be in good standing with the NFIP, as well as have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Disadvantaged communities and severe repetitive loss properties may be eligible for reduced match requirements with Swift Current providing 100% of the project cost. Repetitive loss properties may receive 90% cost share. If a higher cost share is not available, a project will receive up to 75% federal funding.

If you want to pursue this funding or want more information, please complete this brief, online form.

Other inquiries may be directed to Adele Phillips  with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources at adele.phillips@nebraska.gov or (402) 471-9252. 

 FY2024 Swift Current Notice of Funding Opportunity 

 Swift Current Quick Guide


Hazard Mitigation

Flood mitigation reduces the overall risk of structure experiencing flood damage, and also reduces the severity of flood damage when it occurs. Examples of mitigation in a community may include planning and zoning, floodplain management, discouraging development in high risk flood areas, or providing outreach and education. Examples of mitigation for homeowners may include purchasing flood insurance, elevation of structures, or completely relocating out of the floodplain.


Structural Mitigation

Structural mitigation projects include levees, dams, floodwalls, jetties, retention ponds, and many other examples. Structural mitigation projects aim to divert water away from people and communities. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the federal agency tasked with building and maintain major flood mitigation projects. In Nebraska, the Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) provide flood mitigation projects at a more local level.


Non-Structural Mitigation

The purpose of non-structural flood mitigation is to change the way that people interact with the floodplain, flood risk, and also aim to move people away from flood-prone areas. Projects may include maintaining floodplain as open space, elevating structures, and in-depth community flood planning.


Mitigation Grants

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (FMA) is administered by NeDNR and provides financial assistance for either planning or projects that assist in decreasing long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program.

The FMA program has priorities to mitigate structures that have suffered repeated flood claims and those with severe repetitive loss. Contact Adele Phillips at NeDNR for more information about FMA. Adele can be reached at Adele.Phillips@nebraska.gov or 402-471-9252.


The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Grant Program (BRIC) is administered by NEMA and support states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. For more information visit the NEMA website or contact NEMA at 402-471-7421.


The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is a mitigation grant that results from a presidential disaster declaration. After a disaster, Nebraska would receive 15% of the total public assistance funding that is made available via the declaration.

The goal of the HMGP is to reduce the loss of life and property from any future disaster. The Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) manages the HMGP. For more information regarding the HMPG in Nebraska, visit the NEMA HMGP website, or contact NEMA at 402-471-7421.



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