Floodplain Management

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Training and Workshops

The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) hosts at least one free training per month (usually on the 3rd Thursday - based upon staff availability) focusing on one of a great variety of floodplain management topics. These training opportunities are virtual, allowing you to join in from your home/office, without the hassle and expense of travel. Some of the most popular may be offered twice a year.

NeDNR will still provide two in-person workshops each year, the locations will vary by year.  

Please sign up to receive training, workshop, updates, and other floodplain management notifications from NeDNR Floodplain Division using the link at the bottom of this page. 

If you have specific training needs, please contact Elijah Kaufman or Michele York. For any questions regarding registration, continuing education credit (CEC) or scheduled classes please contact Michele York. Please note that CECs may not be available for all classes. 

Upcoming Training Opportunities Through NeDNR

Violations and Enforcement of your Floodplain Ordinance
February 20, 2025

Violations and Enforcement of your Floodplain Ordinance

Thursday, February 20, 2025

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CT

Join staff from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources for an informative 2-hour virtual class on the fundamentals of enforcing floodplain management regulations and tips for preventing violations. This class is suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators and community officials. The class will cover the following topics, and more:

  • Examples of common violations
  • Collecting evidence
  • Strategies for achieving compliance without legal action
  • Legal tools for enforcing the floodplain ordinance
  • Enforcement process recommendations

Continuing education credits are approved for Certified Floodplain Managers (CFMs) and for Treasurers of Nebraska counties and municipalities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Please register in advance for this FREE class as participation is limited: REGISTER  

FEMA L0273:
Managing Floodplain Development Through the National Flood Insurance Program
February 24-27, 2025
Lincoln, NE

FEMA L0273: Managing Floodplain Development Through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

February 24-27, 2025

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT

Offered by NeDNR every two years, the purpose of this FEMA course is to prepare participants to understand and perform the roles and responsibilities of the local Floodplain Administrator. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • ​Use a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) to determine the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and the flood zone.
  • Describe and facilitate local jurisdictional compliance with the minimum requirements to participate in the NFIP.
  • Describe the components of an effective floodplain management program to reduce the loss of life and property and identify and remedy violations and deficiencies.
  • Prepare for post-event activities including implementing an effective Substantial Damage and Substantial Improvement Process.
  • Explain basic concepts of flood insurance ratings and how floodplain management decisions affect the cost of flood insurance.

This course is strongly recommended for those wishing to obtain the Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) certification. However, this course is not considered sufficient preparation to take the CFM exam. People new to floodplain management should not expect to pass the CFM exam by taking this course alone. More information on the CFM exam can be found here: https://www.floods.org/certification-program-cfm/getting-certified/

The target audience for this course includes floodplain administrators and others who need basic instruction in floodplain management, including: newly hired or newly assigned floodplain managers, current floodplain managers seeking refresher training, building inspectors and code officials, permit officials, city and county engineers, and Community Rating System (CRS) coordinators.


Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

245 Fallbrook Blvd., Lower Level

Lincoln, NE 68521



Required Prerequisites

​​Prior to the start of the course, participants must complete two online tutorials at http://www.fema.gov/online-tutorials (under "Other Tutorials" tab):

  • Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) Tutorial
  • Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Tutorial

Recommended Prerequisites

Participants unfamiliar with NFIP maps and studies are HIGHLY encouraged to complete the following Independent Study courses: 

As well as the following online tutorial found at http://www.fema.gov/online-tutorials (under "NFIP Revisions and Amendments" tab) 

  • Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)/Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F) Tutorial

Continuing Education Credit

The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) awards 12 CECs for completion of this course toward the CFM certification.

Travel Expenses

FEMA does not reimburse for travel related expenses for 273 courses offered outside of Maryland.

Meals and Lodging

A HUGE thank you to our sponsors: HDR, Inc., Stantec, Floodproofing.com, AtkinsRéalis, and the Nebraska Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NeFSMA) who will graciously provide a lunch and snack each day. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions. There are many options of hotels, restaurants, and night life nearby, including in the downtown Lincoln area. Participants will want to inquire with their hotel regarding any shuttle services available.


Visitor parking is available in any of the lots surrounding the building.


Contact Michele York with NeDNR at (402) 471-1214 or michele.york@nebraska.gov


Step 1: This class is very close to capacity. Send an email to michele.york@nebraska.gov if interested. If space is still available Michele can provide the link to reserve a spot and then registration information.

Step 2: Complete prerequisites above and save the certificates if provided.

Step 3: NeDNR will provide an Invitation Code via email with further instructions on how to register.  

Step 4: Register.

Virtual Office Hours: Floodplain Q&A
March 3, 2025

Virtual Office Hours: Floodplain Q&A

Monday, March 3, 2025

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Mark your calendar now to bring your lunch and join NeDNR floodplain staff for an open discussion, to ask questions, and receive resources regarding floodplain and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) topics of your choice. We will welcome all questions from the very basic to the most advanced! Or, feel free to join us to just listen in on topics of interest from others. Possible topics to consider:

  • Permitting floodplain development
  • Enforcing of updating your floodplain ordinance
  • How to view your community's floodplain online
  • Preparations before a flood occurs
  • Post-disaster responsibilities
  • Flood insurance
  • Areas where new floodplain maps are being developed

Continuing Education Credits are not available for Open Office Hours and pre-registration is not required. 

To join click HERE

Virtual Office Hours: Floodplain Q&A
May 13, 2025

Virtual Office Hours: Floodplain Q&A

Tuesday, May 13, 2025

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CT

Mark your calendar now to bring your lunch and join NeDNR floodplain staff for an open discussion, to ask questions, and receive resources regarding floodplain and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) topics of your choice. We will welcome all questions from the very basic to the most advanced! Or, feel free to join us to just listen in on topics of interest from others. Possible topics to consider:

  • Permitting floodplain development
  • Enforcing of updating your floodplain ordinance
  • How to view your community's floodplain online
  • Preparations before a flood occurs
  • Post-disaster responsibilities
  • Flood insurance
  • Areas where new floodplain maps are being developed

Continuing Education Credits are not available for Open Office Hours and pre-registration is not required. 

To join click HERE

Future Proposed Training Topics

  •      March 13, 2025 virtual: Before and After Disaster Strikes: Substantial Damage 101
  •      March 25, 2025 virtual: Before and After Disaster Strikes: Substantial Damage 101 - After Hours!  
  •      April 17, 2025 virtual: Pack. Prepare. Be Aware. How to Increase Flood Awareness in your Community
  •      May 15, 2025 virtual: Introducing Nebraska's New Model Floodplain Ordinance
  •      June 12, 2025 virtual: Flood Insurance Myths, Facts, and Resources
  •      June 24, 2025 virtual: Floodplain Development Permitting with Confidence - After Hours! 


Recently Recorded Classes

These and other floodplain management videos can be found on NeDNR’s YouTube page. You may also click on each of the following class titles to find a description of the class and a link to the video recording. 

*PLEASE NOTE: Certificates of Completion or Continuing Education Credits (CECs) toward the Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) or Nebraska Treasurer credentials are available only for those individuals participating in the live virtual training session. 

The Elevation Certificate: What Every Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know

The Elevation Certificate: What Every Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know  (recording coming soon)

On January 22, 2025, Elijah Kaufman, CFM with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented an informative 2-hour virtual class introducing floodplain administrators to the Elevation Certificate. The Elevation Certificate (EC) is one of the more common yet crucial documents a floodplain administrator will review. ECs verify that floodplain development has been completed in accordance with the local floodplain development permit and with state and federal floodplain management regulations. Elevation Certificates are also required for any structural development in communities that participate in the Community Rating System (CRS), and for Letters of Map Amendments (LOMA) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F) applications.

Presentation Slides


Introduction to 2D Mapping for Floodplain Managers

Introduction to 2D Mapping for Floodplain Managers (recording coming soon)

On November 14, 2024, Jamie Reinke, PE, CFM with NeDNR presented a 1-hour virtual class to help floodplain managers understand and use 2-Dimensional study results for managing development and communicating flood hazards in their communities, with a specific focus on highlighting the differences in how the data is represented in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS), Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and other regulatory resources. This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as anyone involved with or interested in floodplain administration.

Presentation Slides

The Letter of Map Change (LOMC): What the Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know

The Letter of Map Change (LOMC): What the Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know

On September 19, 2024 NeDNR staff presented a 1-hour virtual class detailing the basics of the Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA), Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) and Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F). This included how and when to request a revision or amendment to a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) to create changes to flood insurance risk zones, floodplain and/or floodway. This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators and anyone involved in floodplain administration. This class covered the following topics, and more:

  • Introduction to LOMC: LOMA, LOMR and LOMR-F
  • LOMA versus LOMR-F
  • Requirements for submitting a LOMC
  • Understanding FEMA's review process
  • Fees and Processing Times

Presentation Slides

Mitigation Concepts and Funding

Mitigation Concepts and Funding

On August 23, 2024 staff from the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on mitigation measures and funding opportunities available. This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as mitigation project stakeholders. The class covered the following topics, and more:

  • Mitigation principles
  • Types of mitigation activities
  • Partnership opportunities
  • Mitigation planning
  • FEMA funding available: HMGP, BRIC and FMA

Presentation Slides

Flood Risk and Mapping Projects in Nebraska

Flood Risk and Mapping Projects in Nebraska

On May 30, 2024, Jamie Reinke, Floodplain Management Division Manager with NeDNR presented a one-hour virtual class detailing our overall program, ongoing projects and our plan for mapping in future years.NeDNR partners with FEMA to update flood risk data throughout the state. There are many flood risk projects in various stages and this presentation highlighted those projects, the differences in project types, and what local officials can expect during a mapping project. NeDNR's goal is to provide the state with the best data possible and technical assistance to help communities take action to reduce their flood risk and protect lives and property.

Presentation Slides

Easy as 1-2-3: How and Why to Update Your Floodplain Ordinance

Easy as 1-2-3: How and Why to Update Your Floodplain Ordinance

On March 28, 2024 Elijah Kaufman with NeDNR presented a 1-hour virtual class detailing the benefits of adopting an updated floodplain ordinance. The class cover the following topics, and more:

  • Why the antique floodplain ordinance needs to be updated
  • Making the floodplain ordinance more practical
  • What needs to be in the floodplain ordinance
  • The ordinance adoption process

This class was particularly helpful for community is slated to receive new floodplain maps. Communities receiving new maps are required to update their ordinance to adopt the new maps. Mapping projects in the following counties are approaching completion: Wayne, Cass, Nuckolls, Thayer, Kearney, Dixon, Cheyenne, Deuel, Cedar, and Boone; as well as the cities of Bayard and Bridgeport.

This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as any community members or officials responsible for floodplain administration. 

Presentation Slides

Nebraska Procedures for "No-Rise" Certification

Nebraska Procedures for "No-Rise" Certification

The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) regularly receives questions from Floodplain Administrators regarding the requirements of a no-rise analysis or less than 1 foot of rise analysis. On February 15, 2024 Jamie Reinke, PE, CFM, with NeDNR provided Floodplain Administrators, Engineers and those involved in floodplain permitting with information related to both analyses in the context of their responsibilities for reviewing the documentation. The discussion covered the following topics:

  • State Statutes
  • FEMA requirements
  • Deliverables associated with no-rise analysis
  • Deliverables that should be submitted for a less than 1 foot rise analysis

This class was suitable for floodplain administrators, engineers, and anyone involved in the floodplain development permitting process. 

Presentation Slides

Floodplain Development Permitting with Confidence

Floodplain Development Permitting with Confidence

On January 18, 2024 Chuck Chase with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on the fundamentals of permitting floodplain development. This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as any community officials that are involved in the permitting process. The class covered the following topics:

  • NeDNR's Model Floodplain Development Permit Application
  • NeDNR's Floodplain Interactive Map
  • When Elevation Certificates are required

Presentation Slides

Substantial Development Estimator (SDE) 3.0 Tool: How to Easily Prepare a Database of At-Risk Properties

Substantial Development Estimator (SDE) 3.0 Tool: How to Easily Prepare a Database of At-Risk Properties

The aftermath of a disaster is not a good time to learn about permitting, the floodplain program or Substantial Damage Assessments. On Thursday, September 21, 2023 Chuck Chase and Elijah Kaufman presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on how to easily create a database of at-risk properties before a disaster occurs.  The class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as anyone interested in floodplain management.  The class covered the following topics, and more:

  • Review of the free SDE 3.0 Tool for post-disaster support

  • How to upload multiple properties from the County Assessor

  • Benefits of the database for your other NFIP responsibilities

Presentation Slides

Laying the Groundwork for Permitting Non-Structural Development

Laying the Groundwork for Permitting Non-Structural Development

On July 27, 2023, Elijah Kaufman, CFM, with NeDNR presented a 1-hour virtual class detailing the concept of permitting non-structural development such as fill, grading, dredging, etc. in your community's floodplain. These types of development are just as important to be permitted due to possible adverse impacts on a floodplain's natural ability to retain excess water, sometimes more so than a structure! This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as anyone responsible for local floodplain administrator and/or permitting.

Presentation Slides Laying the Groundwork for Permitting Non-Structural Development

Getting Started with Community Rating System (CRS)

Getting Started with CRS

On April 27, 2023 Todd Tucker with FEMA Region VII, Adele Phillips with NeDNR, and Gene Kohls with Insurance Services Office (ISO) presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on the fundamentals of the CRS program for floodplain administration. The course was suitable for floodplain administrators and any community officials. Community Rating System is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Flood insurance premiums are discounted in CRS communities to reflect that reduced flood risk.

Getting Started with CRS Presentation Slides


Climate and Your Community

Climate and Your Community 

On February 23, 2023, NeDNR was very excited to host Doug Kluck, Central Region Climate Services Director with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Center for Environmental Information for an exciting 1-hour virtual class covering the following topics: 

  • Nebraska's historical climate variations
  • Current climate outlook
  • Climate considerations at the community level
  • helpful tools for local officials
  • Tips for talking about climate

Climate and Your Community Presentation Slides

Introducing the Community Assistance Contact and Community Assistance Visit

Introducing the CAC and CAV 

You never know how well something is working until you inspect it.

On November 17, 2022, Elijah Kaufman, CFM, with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented a 1-hour virtual class introducing the concepts of Community Assistance Contacts (CACs) and Community Assistance Visits (CAVs). Communities that participate in the NFIP will soon receive a CAC or CAV to help them identify, prevent and resolve floodplain management issues BEFORE they develop into larger problems. Participants gained an understand of:

  • The goals of the NFIP including federal, state, and local roles
  • The difference between a CAC and a CAV
  • Why CACs and CAVs are important
  • What happens during a CAC or CAV
  • How you can prepare
  • Important definitions, tools, and resources
  • What CACs and CAVs may look like in the future

Introduction to CACs and CAVs Presentation Slides

A Beginner's Guide to Floodplains

A Beginner's Guide to Floodplains

On September 15, 2022, Elijah Kaufman, CFM, with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on the very basics of floodplains. The class was suitable for floodplain officials, insurance partners, concerned citizens, and anyone who needed a basic understanding of Nebraska floodplains and understanding flood risk. Elijah provided answers to the following questions: ​​

  • What is a floodplain?
  • How do I determine if a property is in a floodplain?
  • What constitutes development in a floodplain?
  • What authority does a Floodplain Administrator hold?

A Beginner's Guide to Floodplains Presentation Slides

The Elevation Certificate: What Every Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know

The Elevation Certificate: What Every Floodplain Administrator Needs to Know

On July 14, 2022 Chuck Chase, CFM, with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented a one hour virtual class regarding what Floodplain Administrators need to know about the elevation certificate. He detailed how it is the the Floodplain Administrator, not the Surveyor, who is responsible for ensuring an Elevation Certificate is correct, the most common errors, and the best way for the Floodplain Administrator to properly edit the Elevation Certificate. The class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as any community members that review floodplain development. 

Elevation Certificate Presentation Slides

Why the State Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan belongs in your Floodplain Toolbox

Why the State Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan belongs in your Floodplain Toolbox

On May 12, 2022, Adele Phillips, CFM, with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources presented a one hour virtual class regarding the new draft of the 2022 State of Nebraska Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan and how it can benefit communities.The class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, emergency managers, and any community members responsible for hazard mitigation and planning.Her presentation included the following topics:

  • The planning process
  • Flood risk across Nebraska
  • Flood mitigation actions
  • Mitigation and recovery funding resources
  • Risk data for your jurisdictions
  • An overview of the online tool "National Risk Index for Natural Hazards

SFHMP Presentation Slides

Agricultural and Accessory Structures

Agricultural and Accessory Structures

On Thursday, February 17, 2022 NeDNR's Elijah Kaufman, CFM, presented a virtual class on how to correctly implement FEMA's agricultural and accessory structures policy issued in 2020. This free class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as any community members responsible for local floodplain administration. The class covered the following topics: an introduction to the concept and definition of FEMA’s Agricultural Structures, permitting agricultural and accessory structures, wet floodproofing requirements, considering and granting variances, and more.

 Agricultural Structures Presentation Slides

Before and After Disaster Strikes: Substantial Damage 101

Before and After Disaster Strikes: Substantial Damage 101

On Thursday, January 20, 2022 NeDNR's Elijah Kaufman, CFM, and Adele Phillips, CFM, presented an informative 2 hour virtual class on what to do before and after a disaster strikes in your Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators, as well as any community members responsible for local floodplain administration. The class covered the following topics: Pre-disaster preparation actions and planning, informing the public, what to do when a building is damaged, permitting requirements and substantial damage, and more.

 Presentation Slides

Wetlands and Wildlife: Avoiding Environmental Impacts in the Floodplain

Wetlands and Wildlife: Avoiding Environmental Impacts in the Floodplain

On Thursday, December 16, 2021 NeDNR hosted a virtual class for all floodplain administrators and those with interest in natural resource protection. Presenters and topics included: 

  • Corey King, Wetlands Coordinator with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), presented on NRCS jurisdiction, the typical process for NRCS projects, and Wetlands Protection Policy.
  • Jessica Tapp, Environmental Specialist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC), discussed state-recognized threatened and endangered species, when to use NGPC’s Conservation and Environmental Review Tool, and what types of projects NGPC typically reviews.
  • NeDNR’s Adele Phillips, Flood Mitigation Planner, provided an overview of the floodplain development permitting process and other agencies or jurisdictions about which to be aware.

 Wetlands And Wildlife Presentation Slides

Enforcing Your Floodplain Ordinance

Enforcing Your Floodplain Ordinance

On January 21, 2021 NeDNR staff presented an informative 1-hour virtual class on the fundamentals of enforcing floodplain management regulations. This class was suitable for both novice and seasoned floodplain administrators. The class addressed the following topics: collecting evidence of violations, strategies for achieving compliance without legal action, legal tools for enforcing the floodplain ordinance, and enforcement process recommendations. 


Other Training Resources

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