Water Planning


We are the Water Planning Division

Our vision is advancing collaborative water management across the State of Nebraska based on sound science. Our mission is to sustain and protect Nebraska’s water supplies and water uses for both the near and long term.

Basins and NRDs map legend

For information about the integrated water management activities in a particular area, click on the corresponding river basin. Click on a natural resources district (NRD) to go to the basin where those activities occur.


Blue  |  Lower Platte  |  Missouri Tributaries  |  Nemaha  |  Niobrara  |  Republican  |  Upper Platte  |  White-Hat


If you are interested in the water planning and integrated water management activities of a certain natural resources district (NRD), please note the following:

  • Most NRDs contain portions of multiple  basins; therefore, the location that you click within an NRD matters. For example, clicking the green portion of the Tri-Basin NRD will take you to the Upper Platte River Basin page, which contains information about Tri-Basin NRD's activities within the Upper Platte River Basin, whereas clicking on the orange portion of Tri-Basin NRD will take you to the Republican River Basin page, which contains information about Tri-Basin NRD's activities that occur there.
  • Some NRDs are not currently participating in any integrated management activities, and some other NRDs are only participating in integrated water management activities within certain basins, so a basin page may not contain specific information about the NRD you select.

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