Groundwater Well Registration



This Page is for Licensed Water Well Contractors Only

For information to changes on Online Registrations, click Online Registrations

NOTE: Information on Public Water Supply Water Wells is not available through this interface.
Contact the Department of Natural Resources at 402-471-2363 or for more information.

Groundwater Forms Page

Change of Ownership/Water Resources Update Notice

Water Well Registration

     Water Well Registration Instructions

  • New irrigation wells must be drilled at least 600 feet from any other existing registered irrigation well under different ownership and at least 1,000 feet from any existing commercial/industrial well or spacing-protected public water supply well. Commercial/Industrial wells or spacing-protected public water supply wells must be drilled at least 1,000 feet from any existing registered irrigation well, commercial/industrial well, or public water supply well under different ownership.  Individual natural resources districts may impose stricter well spacing requirements through district rules and regulations.

Water Well Decommissioning

Pump Installation/Well Construction Modification

Water Well Service Agreement for Online Registration  (For well contractors only)

Water Well Registration: Geologic Materials Logged

Water Well Registration: Grout and Gravel Pack

Water Well Registration: Well Construction Continuation Form; Casing & Screening

Permit to Violate Water Well Spacing

Important Notice to Changes for Online Registrations
The updated online registration site now works best in Google Chrome!

Online Tutorial Document (with images)
Online Tutorial Document (text only)

Login to Submit Online Water Well RegistrationNote that all wells in a series require a site plan! Works best in Google Chrome!
For login/password help, contact Nebraska Interactive at: or 402-471-7810

Login to Submit Online Pump Installation/Construction Modification

Login to Submit Online Notice of Water Well Decommissioning

Water Well Service Agreement Form for Online Registration


Site Plan Submittal: or

FAX to (402) 471-2900 Attn: Groundwater

In most instances whomever owns the land where a water well is drilled also owns the well. It is understood that monitoring and observation wells are often an exception to this principle. The following notes are particularly relevant to pumping water wells and geothermal water wells. Water wells are required to be registered to the proper owner. In many situations land is owned by trusts, companies and corporations rather than individual persons. It is important to verify with your clients how the ownership of the land is recorded at the county assessor’s office. The Department attempts to verify ownership when registering a well and processing pump installation and modification forms. We understand that when land has recently changed hands the assessor’s information may be briefly out of date. However, in most instances of forms being rejected for lack of accurate owner information; the situation could have been avoided if the form submitter had simply used one of these reference tools to verify the true owner of the land, which is most often the owner of the well. Neb. Rev. Stats. §46-602 and §46-2,124 make it clear the Department must have accurate water well owner information. In the atypical case where a pumping water well is owned by someone other than the land owner, proper documentation of the well ownership should be provided to the Department.

Helpful Links:

Parcel Ownership Resources

Nebraska Assessors Online Website

Nebraska Deeds Online Website

Nebraska Dept of Revenue County Assessor List


For information on opportunities to fulfill your obligation to
accumulate Continuing Education hours

Please contact Pam Miller with the Water Well Standards program at or you may reach her by phone at (402) 471-0546.

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