The Upper Platte NRDs and the NeDNR, collectively known as the Platte Basin Coalition (PBC), are developing a Drought Contingency Plan for the Upper Platte Basin in Nebraska. This plan will refine the understanding of drought vulnerabilities and impacts in the Upper Platte Basin and provide robust monitoring and forecasting tools paired with timely triggers, new mitigation strategies, and responsive actions to improve critical water supply needs of the Basin during drought.
Are you experiencing drought in the Upper Platte River Basin? We want to know!
Platte Basin Drought Condition Monitoring Survey | UPRDCP Comment Map
Drought Task Force Meetings
The UPRDCP Drought Task Force consists of a diverse group of water-related interests, including agriculture, environmental/wildlife, financial, groundwater irrigators, groundwater/surface water users, irrigation districts, municipalities, public power districts, and recreation users. This group provides focused input to the Plan development team based on their area of interest, assists in the understanding of vulnerabilities and impacts in the Basin, and provides input on potential mitigation and response actions.
The Drought Task Force met four times throughout the Plan development process.