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Well Registration Fees as of July 2011:
- $70 for wells that are designed and constructed to pump 50 gallons per minute or less
- $110 for wells that are designed and constructed to pump greater than 50 gallons per minute
For assistance on any Well Registration Forms contact us at (402) 471-2363 and ask for the Groundwater Section
or email us at and we will be happy to assist you with completing the forms.
Change of Ownership Update Form
Online Ownership Change for Current Landowners Only
Important! For single water wells which were completed before 2002 and are being registered by the well owner please review the bottom of the last page of the registration form for minimal information required. For single wells pumping 50 gallons per minute (gpm) or less the current registration fee is $70. For single wells pumping more than 50 gpm the current fee is $110 and you may need a permit from your local Natural Resources District (District) before the well may be registered. Check with the District before submitting a registration form for wells pumping more than 50 gpm. For more detailed fee information and instructions on how to fill out a registration form please click the link below to download the companion instruction document. It is imperative that the geographic coordinates for the well location and the legal description required in section 3 of the form are accurate and consistent with each other.
Water Well Ownership/Water Resources Update Notice
Water Well Registration Instructions
- New irrigation wells must be drilled at least 600 feet from any other existing registered irrigation well under different ownership and at least 1,000 feet from any existing commercial/industrial well or spacing-protected public water supply well. Commercial/Industrial wells or spacing-protected public water supply wells must be drilled at least 1,000 feet from any existing registered irrigation well, commercial/industrial well, or public water supply well under different ownership. Individual natural resources districts may impose stricter well spacing requirements through district rules and regulations.
Pump Installation/Well Construction Modification
Water Well Service Agreement for Online Registration (For well contractors only)
Water Well Registration: Geologic Materials Logged
Water Well Registration: Grout and Gravel Pack
Water Well Registration: Well Construction Continuation Form; Casing & Screening
Water Well Registration - NRD Approved
For local groundwater rules & regulations, permits to drill water wells and other forms required by your local natural resources district (NRD), contact the appropriate NRD -