Model Data and Documentation
- Blue Basin Model
- CENEB Model
- COHYST Model
- Republican Basin Study
- Upper Niobrara-White Model
- Western Water Use Model
Other Publications
Phase III Conservation Measures Study: Tillage Survey Results (The Flatwater Group, Inc., December 2020)
Upper Platte Population Change Analysis 1997 - 2017 (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. 2019)
Upper Platte River Basin Consumptive Use Change from New Reservoirs and New or Expanded Sandpit Lakes: 2005 to 2010 (Amy Zoller, Kaku Ajaere, and Andy Pedley, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, 6/7/2019)
- PowerPoint Presentation: 2005-2010 Consumptive Use of Small Man-made Water Bodies in the Platte Surface Water Basin Above Columbus (Amy Zoller, MS, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, May 6, 2014, PRRIP Water Advisory Committee Meeting)
POAC Area Conservation Measures Study - Irrigation Efficiency and Tillage Strategy (Adaptive Resources, Inc, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, and Wilson Water Group, 2017)
Tri-Basin NRD Well Augmentation Evaluation Report (HDR, August 2014)
NeDNR's Coordinated Efforts in Managing Flood Flows (June 2014).
Upper Platte River Basin Conservation Measures Study, Technical Memorandum (The Flatwater Group, Inc., December 2013)
Evaluation of Historic Platte River Streamflow in Excess of State Protected Flows and Target Flows, Technical Memorandum (HDR and The Flatwater Group, Inc., March 2013)
Upper Platte River Recharge and Flood Mitigation Demonstration Project: Part of the Conjunctive Management Toolbox, Technical Memorandum(Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, January 2013)
Conceptual Design of a Conjunctive Management Project (HDR and The Flatwater Group, Inc., March 2011)
Evaluation of Historic Platte River Streamflow in Excess of State Protected Flows and Target Flows (HDR and The Flatwater Group, Inc., December 2010)
Preliminary Estimate of Historical Stream Flow Reductions in the Overappropriated Portion of the Platte River in Nebraska (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, Central Platte Natural Resources District, Nebraska Public Power District, and Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, September 2009)
Estimated Stream Baseflow Depletion by Natural Resources District in the Nebraska Platte Basin due to Gained and Lost Groundwater Irrigated Land after July 1, 1997 (High Plains Hydrology LLC, June 2008)
Simulated Stream Baseflow Changes in the Nebraska Platte Basin above U.S. Highway 183 due to Reduced Groundwater Irrigated Land after July 1, 1997 (High Plains Hydrology LLC, Central Platte Natural Resources District, and Nebraska Public Power District, May 2007)
Estimated Stream Depletion In the Nebraska Platte Basin Due to New Irrigated Land Developed after July 1, 1997 (High Plains Hydrology LLC, Central Platte Natural Resources District, and Nebraska Public Power District, December 2006)
A Study of Hydrologically Connected Ground and Surface Water and its Contribution to Conflicts between Groundwater Users and Surface Water Appropriators in the North Platte Natural Resources District (Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, February 2004)