Water Planning


Stream Simulation Games

 NeDNR developed a series of interactive applications and about water, called Stream Simulations. Each simulation has a worksheet and a key to go along with them as well as a word bank! Please click on the links below to load the Stream Simulations or worksheets.

Stream Simulation 1: Interactions Between Surface Water and Groundwater


In this simulation, you can explore some interactions between surface water and groundwater to answer the following questions:

  • How do the relative positions of the water table and stream level affect the direction of flow and rate of interaction between the stream and the aquifer?
  • How does precipitation affect streamflow?
  • How does soil texture (that is, whether soil particles are coarse like sand or fine like clay) affect recharge and streamflow?

Concepts addressed in this application include water table elevation, gaining and losing streams, runoff, recharge, baseflow, soil texture, and hydrographs.

Simulation 1: Worksheet |  Simulation 1: Worksheet KEY

Preview of Simulation 1

Stream Simulation 2: Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow

In this simulation you can explore the relationship between groundwater pumping and stream depletions under three hydrologic systems: a gaining stream, a losing stream, and a disconnected stream to answer the following questions:

  • What are two ways in which pumping can cause stream depletions?
  • How does the proximity of a well to a stream influence stream depletions?
  • How do the effects of pumping on streamflow change depending on whether a stream is gaining, losing, or disconnected relative to the adjacent aquifer?
  • How can pumping change the connectivity of a stream to its adjacent aquifer?

Simulation 2: Worksheet |  Simulation 2: Worksheet KEY 

Preview of Simulation 2:

Stream Simulation 3: Stream Depletion Factors

In this simulation you can investigate the factors of stream depletion to answer the following questions:

  • How do locations of a pumping well impact stream depletion?
  • How can pumping time change stream depletions?
  • How does a stream depletion factor calculation evaluate hydraulic connectivity?

Simulation 3: Worksheet |  Simulation 3: Worksheet KEY

Preview of Simulation 3

Simulation Word Bank |  Simulation Word Bank KEY

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