The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) has transferred streamgaging record-keeping software to AQUARIUS, by Aquatic Informatics Inc. NeDNR transitioned to AQUARIUS after working discharge records in parallel for approximately six months, on both the older system and AQUARIUS. With the addition of an application programming interface (API), there are now three ways to receive streamgaging information from NeDNR.
The Department’s streamgaging website, located at: made the transition in early March 2020. While some functionality was missing from the website at the time, most of this functionality has been restored, either on the website itself, or through the new API.
The API may be accessed at The Swagger interface guides the user through the variables for each data request and defines the variables involved. If data is input, then the resulting information is listed, along with the URL that may be used in the future to directly request the information via the internet.
Currently all responses are in Javascript Object Notation, or JSON. This response format may be imported into Excel to a table format; the attached guide describes how this is done in Excel 2016; other recent versions of Excel use similar methods for importing JSON. Click on link for How To Instructions
There are three types of streamgaging information available via the NeDNR API:
- Daily mean discharge may be accessed one day at a time, a month at a time, or a year at a time (by calendar year).
- Instantaneous stage and discharge (typically 15-minute data intervals) may be accessed a day at a time or a month at a time, and
- Stream discharge measurements and the associated shift.
As always, you may request data directly from NeDNR. Our goal is to respond with the needed information within one week, or to provide a proposed schedule within the week for large or unusual requests. If additional streamgaging information is needed, contact Jim Williams by email at, or call him at 402/471-1026 (office) or 402/440-0304 (for the next few weeks, while working from home).