

Notice of Public Meeting of the Platte Basin Coalition


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The Central Platte Natural Resources District, North Platte Natural Resources District, South Platte Natural Resources District, Tri-Basin Natural Resources District, Twin Platte Natural Resources District (collectively, the Platte Basin NRDs), and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (Department) hereby provide notice that a public meeting of the Platte Basin Coalition will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 1 p.m. Central Time at the Twin Platte NRD Office, 3021 East Philip Ave, North Platte, NE 69101.

The Platte Basin Coalition’s purpose is to create a cooperative body to assist the Platte Basin NRDs and the Department with resource management and efficient implementation of the basin-wide management plan and the individual integrated management plans for the overappropriated area of the Platte River Basin.

An agenda of the meeting is being kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the offices of the Platte Basin NRDs and the Department and at the following website: www.dnr.nebraska.gov. Please refer to the websites and phone numbers listed below for further information.

Central Platte NRD: https://www.cpnrd.org/; phone (308) 385-6282; 215 Kaufman Ave, Grand Island, NE 68803

North Platte NRD: https://www.npnrd.org/; phone (308) 632-2749; 100547 Airport Rd, Scottsbluff, NE 69363

South Platte NRD: https://www.spnrd.org/; phone (308) 254-2377; 551 Parkland Dr, Sidney, NE 69162

Twin Platte NRD: https://tpnrd.org/; phone (308) 535-8080; 3021 East Philip Ave, North Platte, NE 69101

Tri-Basin NRD: https://www.tribasinnrd.org/; phone (308) 995-6688; 1723 Burlington St, Holdrege, NE 68949

Dept. Natural Resources: https://dnr.nebraska.gov/index; phone (402) 471-2363; 245 Fallbrook Blvd, Suite 201, Lincoln, NE 68521

Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and services necessary for participation by contacting Sam Capps at the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, 245 Fallbrook Blvd., Suite 201, Lincoln, NE 68521, telephone (402) 471-0376 or e-mail sam.capps@nebraska.gov.


Twin Platte NRD Office, 3021 East Philip Ave, North Platte, NE 69101
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