Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
Dams Inventory Data
Legend and Notes

Owner Type             Dam Type            Purpose of Dam           Hazard (Downstream)
F  Federal             RE  Earth           I  Irrigation            H   High Hazard Dams
S  State               ER  Rockfill        H  Hydroelectric         S   Significant Hazard Dams
L  Local Government    PG  Gravity         C  Flood Control         L   Low Hazard Dams
U  Public Utility      CB  Buttress        N  Navigation            M   Mininmal Hazard Dam
P  Private             VA  Arch            S  Water Supply          TBD To Be Determined
                       MV  Multi-Arch      R  Recreation
                       CN  Concrete        D  Debris Control
                       MS  Masonry         O  Other
                       ST  Stone           P Stock or Farm Pond
                       TC  Timber Crib     F Fish and Wildlife Pond
                       OT  Other

        Foundation Material      Emergency Action Plan      Core
        R    Rock                Y  Yes                     F  Upstream Facing
        RS   Rock and Soil       N  No                      H  Homogenous Dam
        S    Soil                NR Not Required            I  Core
        U    Unlisted                                       X  Unlisted
        --------------                                      -----------
        K    Known                                          A  Bituminous Concrete
        Z    Estimated                                      C  Concrete
                                                            E  Earth
                                                            M  Metal
                                                            P  Plastic
                                                            K  Known
                                                            Z  Estimated
Water Divisions
1-ANP (North Platte River basin)
1-ASP (South Platte River basin downstream of Lodgepole Creek)
1-AP  (Platte River basin from confluence of North and South Platte Rivers
       downstream to Loup River confluence)
1-B   (Republican River basin)
1-C   (Little Blue River basin)
1-D   (Big Blue River basin)
1-E   (Lodgepole Creek basin)
1-FM  (Missouri River tributaries between Platte River confluence and
       southeast corner of state)
1-FN  (Nemaha River basin)
2-AL  (Loup River basin)
2-AP  (Platte River basin between
         a. Loup River and Elkhorn River confluences on north side of Platte River
         b. Loup River and Salt Creek confluences on south side of Platte River)
2-BE  (Elkhorn River basin)
2-BP  (Platte River basin between
         a. Elkhorn River and Missouri River confluences on north side of Platte River
         b. Salt Creek and Missouri River confluences on south side of Platte River)
2-BS  (Salt Creek basin)
2-C   (Niobrara River basin)
2-D   (White River basin)
2-E   (Hat Creek basin)
2-F   (Missouri River tributaries upstream of the Niobrara River and
       downstream of the Niobrara River to the Platte River confluence)
1  Existing
2  Proposed
3  Breached - Natural Causes
4  Removed - Intentionally
5  Approved
Notes: Dams included in this inventory are those which have 1) a minimum height of at least 6 feet
       and a maximum storage capacity of at least 50 acre feet, or 2) a height of at least 25
       feet and a maximum storage capacity of at least 15 acre feet or 3) a 'significant' or
       'high' hazard classification.

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